Web3 convergence: What is it and why we need it

2 min readMar 24, 2023


The future of Web3 is about connecting the unconnected: people, ideas, assets, and more. Convergence is the key to unlocking this potential.

It’s time to build the future together. As the world of Web3 continues to expand and evolve, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. We’re surrounded by thousands of solutions for millions of problems, and it can be difficult to make sense of it all.

But there is a way to bring it all together and make it easier to access — and that’s through Web3 convergence.

Linking the unlinked

In the world of Web3, convergence means every part of the infrastructure coming together in a unified whole: decentralized social media, Metaverse, gaming, DeFi, and more.

While we might have them created separately under the Web3 umbrella, it doesn’t give us a system, but many fractured solutions. When we converge, users won’t have to jump between platforms, dApps, and networks — everything will be together in one place. Messaging friends, playing games, sending money, and all in between.

So why aren’t we there yet? The answer is simple — we’re still in the chaos of multiple blockchains, lots of L2s, and dApps that all have different visions and missions. If we want to create a unified ecosystem of Web3, it’s going to require everyone to come together and work towards a common goal.

How to get there

To get started on this journey, we need to check off every single thing from the Web3 convergence checklist. Let’s take a closer look.

  • Aligning on what the ideal Web3 is. Every project has their own vision, which means we are creating a world that serves billions, not millions. It also means it will take us years to get there, as we’re not working together.
  • Uniting the community. A shared mission only takes you half the way there. We need to get rid of an exclusive, “gated community” mentality and shift to a shared understanding and resources.
  • A platform. Getting a platform that enables us to reach those shared goals, and creating the Web3 we want to see, is key.

It all starts with Layer 1. If this is built with convergence in mind, then it can support everything else and help us make granular fixes for long-term problems on a decentralized, accessible network.

The first step

We believe that the future of Web3 lies in linking the yet unlinked — communities, visions, and tech. And convergence is the key to unlocking this potential. That’s why we’re committed to building the future together, and we invite you to join us on this journey with Dandelion.

